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Dan Savage: The price of admission

Dan Savage talks about ‘paying the price of admission’ in a relationship.

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  1. […] a break up after the defence four six years later, wanting never to see it again.  By paying my price of admission, accepting that I have outside interests, my dissertation (and my supervisor) receive the quality […]

    Pingback by New year, more cupcakes | Science, Cupcakes, and Multivitamins: — 2012-01-07 @ 00:10

  2. […] again. This time I know that I can establish rules outside convention, outside monogamy. The ‘price of admission’ for my partner, and for me, is that we can still see other people and that I can still explore […]

    Pingback by My dirty little secret, or ‘just another coming out story’ | Rhonda Perky's Bits — 2012-05-26 @ 07:53

  3. […] again. This time I know that I can establish rules outside convention, outside monogamy. The ‘price of admission’ for my partner, and for me, is that we can still see other people and that I can still explore […]

    Pingback by Rhonda Perky's Bits » My dirty little secret, or ‘just another coming out story’ — 2012-10-04 @ 02:13

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