John Cleese: Graham Chapman Memorial Service
A.J. Jacobs: My year of living biblically
Gary Vaynerchuk: The Slide technique
Barack Obama: Speech on Father's Day
Timothy Ferriss: Feel Like the Incredible Hulk
George Carlin: The Bible and American Rights
Alan Watts: Music and Life
Srikumar Rao: Are You Ready to Succeed?
Robert Lang: Idea + square = origami
Janine Benyus: Biomimicry in action
Rich Hopkins: Glorious Victory
J.K. Rowling: The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination (Commencement speech at Harvard, 2008)
Geoff Burch: Selling a Tank to Genghis Khan
Muhammad Ali: I am the greatest
Harvey Milk: Give them hope
Bill Cosby: Grandparents
Timothy Ferriss: Aim For The Impossible
Jeremy Rifkin: The European Dream – America's nightmare?
Seth Godin: This is broken
Ben Dunlap: The story of a passionate life
Paul Stamets: 6 ways mushrooms can save the world
Barack Obama: Inauguration Speech
Steve Jobs: First Apple Macintosh demo
Chris Jordan: Picturing Excess
Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?
Bill Strickland: Rebuilding America, one slide show at a time
Dan Barber: A surprising parable of foie gras
Mike Rowe: Celebrating work -- all kinds of work
Benjamin Zander: Davos Annual Meeting 2009
Lyndon B. Johnson: Remarks on Signing the Civil Rights Bill
Randy Pausch: "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams" (The Last Lecture)
Barack Obama: White House Correspondents' Dinner 2009
Philip Zimbardo: The Time Paradox
Craig Ferguson: No Britney Spears jokes tonight
Douglas Adams: Parrots, the Universe and Everything
Daniel Pink: On the surprising science of motivation
Kary Mullis: Celebrating the experiment
Victor Frankl: Search for meaning
Stephen Fry: Against the aggresive strategies of the copyright industries
Jay Smooth: How To Tell People They Sound Racist
Rodney Mullen: About his life at UCLA
Johnny Lee Clary: About Wade Watts
Geoff Burch: Way of the Dog
Michael Holick: Vitamin D and Prevention of Chronic Diseases
David Robertson: Last Night of the Proms 2009
Majora Carter: Tale of Urban Renewal
Dan Buettner: How to live to be 100
Mike Prysner: Winter Soldier Testimonies
Michael Sandel: What’s the right thing to do?
Paul Ekman & Dacher Keltner: The Evolution of Emotions
Terry Pratchett: On Religion
Brian Cox: A Wonderful Creation Story
Robert Sapolsky: The Origin of Religion
Barbara Bush: Commencement Address at Wellesley (1990)
Jamie Oliver: Teach every child about food
Aimee Mullins: The opportunity of adversity
Jesse Shell: Is Your Life Just One Big RPG?
Mario Savio: Bodies upon the gears
Kevin Smith: Working on a script for Superman
Shane Koyczan: The Crickets Have Arthritis
Michael Sandel: The Case Against Perfection
Joe Wong: At RTCA Dinner
Dan Barber: How I fell in love with a fish
Philip Pullman: On freedom of speech
Sam Harris: Science can answer moral questions
Anthony Corvino: Average is the New Exceptional
Glen Wool: Mintys Comedian Of The Month April 2007
Daniel Pink: MCAD Commencement speech 2008
Sebastian Wernicke: Lies, damned lies and statistics
Michael Shermer: On strange beliefs
Louis CK: Everything's amazing, nobody's happy
Jeremy Rifkin: The Empathy Civilization
Spencer Wells: The Unforeseen Cost of Human Civilisation
Rhys Darby: Military
Jordan Peterson: Why there are so few women at the top
Jon Ronson: Strange answer to the psychopathy test
Steve Blank: Why Accountants Don't Run Startups
Michael E. Porter: Competitiveness
Donald Abrams: Nutrition and Cancer
Tony Hsieh: Delivering Happiness
Mary Schmich: Everybody's free (to wear sunscreen)
Jim Jefferies: Heaven and Hell
Dan Gilbert: Why are we happy? Why aren't we happy?
Simon Singh: Power of mental frames
Stewart Lee: Political Correctness
Michael Sandel: Putting a price tag on life / How to measure pleasure
Michael Sandel: Free to choose / Who owns me?
Conrad Wolfram: Teaching kids real math with computers
John Medina: Brain Rules for Baby - How to Raise a Smart and Happy Child
Denis Dutton: A Darwinian theory of beauty
Kieran Egan: Learning in Depth
Michael Sandel: Arguing affirmative action / What's the purpose?
Gary Vaynerchuk: The Thank You Economy
Sam Harris & Christopher Hitchens & David Wolpe & Bradley Artson Shavit: Is there an afterlife?
Hans Rosling: The magic washing machine
V.S. Ramachandran: Neurology and the passion for art
Salman Khan: Let's use video to reinvent education
Henry Rollins: Ember of Rage
Robert Kurzban: Why Everyone (Else) Is a Hypocrite
James Duane: In Praise of the 5th Amendment Right to Not Be a Witness Against Yourself
Tom Hanks: Yale Commencement Speech 2011
Conan O'Brien: 2011 Dartmouth College Commencement Address
Daniel Kahneman: The riddle of experience vs. memory
Stephen Colbert: 2011 Commencement Speech at Northwestern University
Matt Ridley: Deep Optimism
Brian Dunning: Logical Fallacies
Louis CK: At the Tonight Show
Gary Vaynerchuk: Wedding vs Marriage
Jamie DeWolf: On L. Ron Hubbard
Philip Zimbardo: The demise of guys?
Louis CK: At Late Show
Daniel Keogh: The Strange Powers of the Placebo Effect
Julian Treasure: 5 ways to listen better
Hugh Laurie: At Emma Thompson's Walk of Fame Event
Andreas Eenfeldt: The Food Revolution
Jefferson Smith: Priceless politics - The secret to making democracy work
John Pinette: Air Travel
Keith Olbermann: Special Comment On Michael Bloomberg
23 and 1/2 hours: What is the single best thing we can do for our health?
Muhammad Ali: On the first black president
Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson: Remarks at NASA Senate Commerce hearing
Tim Urban: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator
Robert Sapolsky: The Uniqueness of Humans
Robert Sapolsky: Biology of Religion
Robert Sapolsky: Depression
Robert Sapolsky: Stress and Health - From molecules to societies
Dan Savage: The price of admission
Winston Churchill: We shall fight on the beaches
Temple Grandin: My Experience with Autism
Martin Seligman: What positive psychology can help you become
Benjamin Zander: Classical music with shining eyes
George Carlin: Fear of germs
Ben Goldacre: Bad Science
Guy Kawasaki: The Art of the Start
Coach Flowers: I am a champion
Vilayanur Ramachandran: A journey to the center of your mind
Zack Bornstein: Laugh in Peace Tour
Shawn Achor: The Science of Hapiness and Potential
Lewis Black: Milk
Seth MacFarlane: Harvard Class Day Speech
Dan Dennett: Ants, terrorism, and the awesome power of memes
Clifford Stoll: 18 minutes with an agile mind
Alain de Botton: A kinder, gentler philosophy of success
Jonathan Haidt: The real difference between liberals and conservatives
Joseph Mercola: Do not stop smoking
Sendhil Mullainathan: The irony of poverty
Neil deGrasse Tyson: Planet X - Doomsday 2012
George Lucas: AFI Lifetime Achievement Awards 2006 (Sean Connery)
Wanda Sykes: White House Correspondents' Dinner 2009
Ian Morison: It's about time
Pamela Slim: At Ignite
George Carlin: Airline Security
Becky Blanton: The year I was homeless
Elizabeth Warren: The Coming Collapse of the Middle Class - Higher Risks, Lower Rewards, and a Shrinking Safety Net
Edward Tronick: Still Face Experiment
LouAnn Gerken: The Making of a Mind
Jared Diamond: Collapse - How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed
George Carlin: Narcotics Anonymous World Convention, San Antonio
Michael Sandel: The lost art of democratic debate
John Cleese: The importance of creativity
Shelby Harris: Don't bother interpreting your dreams
Maz Jobrani: Did you hear the one about the Iranian-American?
Hans Rosling: 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes
Ricky Gervais: Golden Globe Opening Monologue 2011
Vi Hart: Doodling in Math Class - Infinity Elephants
Paul Root Wolpe: It's time to question bio-engineering
James Randi: At the Human-Etisk Forbund, Oslo, Norway
Steve Hughes: RAW Comedy Club
Elizabeth Gould: How Does Experience Influence the Brain?
Robert Sapolsky: Human learning and being open to new experiences
Omid Djalili: At the Late Late Show
Luis von Ahn: Massive-scale online collaboration
Paulo Coelho: On the fear of failure
Louis C.K.: Honoring George Carlin
Shlomo Benartzi: Saving for tomorrow, tomorrow
Steve Jobs: 2005 Stanford Commencement Address
Naomi Wolf: The End of America
Robert H. Lustig: Sugar - The Bitter Truth
Jimeoin: Edinburgh Comedy Fest 2010
Scott St. Patrick Williams: A Barack Obama Supporter's Nightmare
Martin Luther King, Jr: I have a dream
Kamal Meattle: How to grow your own fresh air
Keith Olbermann: Legislators for sale
George Carlin: Zen of laughter
John Cleese: Football vs Soccer
John Oliver: The Pope's Astronomer
Neil deGrasse Tyson: Brain droppings of a skeptic
Thomas Metzinger: The Ego Tunnel
Stephen Fry: Live at the Sydney Opera House
Elizabeth Loftus: What's the Matter with Memory?
Terry Pratchett: Shaking Hands with Death
Unknown best man's speech (No title)
Robert Sapolsky: Toxoplasmosis
Malcolm X: The ballot or the bullet
Glenn Wilson: Sex Wars
Martin Luther King Jr: I've been to the Mountain Top
Foster Brooks: Roasting Sammy Davis Jr.
Neil deGrasse Tyson: Stupid design
George Carlin: Save the planet
Tim Lee: Powerpoint Comedy
Barack Obama: Weekly Address (01/24/09)
Susan Blackmore: Memes and "temes"
John Chambers: Cisco On-Stage TelePresence Holographic Video Conferencing
Neil DeGrasse Tyson: Death by Black Hole
Tan Le: Bringing the Force to Life with Mind Control Device
Paul Collier: 4 ways to improve the lives of the "bottom billion"
Woody Norris: Inventing the next amazing thing
Hans Rosling: Debunking third-world myths with the best stats you've ever seen
Dean Kamen: New prosthetic arm for veterans
Barack Obama: A change has come to America
John McCain: The end of a long journey
Michael Wesch: An anthropological introduction to YouTube
Karl Denninger: $700 Billion Bailout Law - You were robbed
Paddy Hirsch: Financial Crisis 101 - CDOs explained
Conan O'Brien: Harvard Class Day Speech
Phil Plait: Why do black holes have such strong gravity
Barack Obama: Democratic National Convention 2004
Barack Obama: Speech in Berlin, Germany
Barack Obama: A More Perfect Union
Seth Godin: Tribes
Gary Vaynerchuk: Want to get advertisers on your blog/vlog? Go and GET IT!
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Creativity, fulfillment and flow
Alan Moore: Advice for young Artists
Orson Welles: Dean Martin roast
Mena Trott: How blogs are building a friendlier world
Jim Rohn: How to have Your Best Year Ever
Don Rickles: Roast of Ronald Reagan
Kris Madden: How to speed read
Barack Obama: Your Weekly Address from the President-Elect (Nov. 29, 2008)
Justin Frank: Inside the Mind of President Bush
Jo Glanville: Internet Censorship is now a Commercial Enterprise
John Watkis: The Weight Begins
Les Brown: Why people fail
Mark Gungor: Tale of two brains
Michio Kaku: 3 types of Extraterrestrial Civilizations
Barack Obama: Weekly Address (12/24/08)
Freddie Frinton: Dinner for one
Matt Mason: The Pirate's Dilemma
Dave Eggers: Once Upon a School
Richard St. John: Secrets of success in 8 words, 3 minutes
Jeff Yalden: 2006 Mascenic Regional High School Graduation
John McCain: The "Green Screen" Speech
Hillary Clinton: Concession speech
Barack Obama: Democratic Nomination Victory Speech
Barack Obama: Speaking to his Campaign Staff
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama: Unite for change
Pema Chodron: "Troublemakers"
Craig Ferguson: White House Correspondents' Association Dinner 2008
Barack Obama: Speech on Patriotism
Darren LaCroix: Anyone can do this
Ira Glass: Storytelling
Scott Ritter: What an attack on Iran will look like
Stephen Fry: The BBC and the future of Public Service Broadcasting
Stephen Colbert: White House Correspondents' Association Dinner
Carrie Fisher: AFI Life Achievement Award 2005 (George Lucas)
John Fund: Can Americans Trust Their Elections Results?
Seth MacFarlane: Why WGA strike is for the "little guy"
Keith Olbermann: Bush Interview Unforgivable
Ron Paul: On preemptive first strike policy
Joe Biden: "Secretary of State"
Joe Biden: Introduction as VP running mate in Springfield, IL
Al Gore: 15 ways to avert a climate crisis
Michelle Obama: I love this country
Barack Obama: DNC Denver
Dennis Kucinich: Wake up, America!
Al Gore: DNC speech
Hillary Clinton: No way! No how! No McCain!
Bill Clinton: DNC
John McCain & Sarah Palin: Introduction of the VP candidate
John McCain: Acceptance speech at the RNC
Mike Huckabee: At the RNC
Jesse Ventura: Rally for the Republic
Ron Paul: Rally for the Republic
Tucker Carlson: At "Rally for the Republic"
Stephen Fry: Happy Birthday to GNU
Carmen Agra Deedy: Spinning a story of Mama
Coach Carter: Turning up the heat
Seth Godin: All Marketers are liars
Dan Rather: At the DNC
Jeffrey Schaler: Psychiatry as a Fraud
Greg Palast: Bush Election Fraud Mechanics
Jon Stewart: Stand-up in Miami
Malcolm Gladwell: What we can learn from spaghetti sauce
Neal Stephenson: Bending Genres, Ending Genres
Richard Dawkins: The universe is queerer than we can suppose
John McCain & Barack Obama: Roast at Al Smith Dinner
Jacque Fresco: Lecture at Penn State Allegheny
Barack Obama: Roast of Representative Rahm Emanuel
Barack Obama: First Press Conference
Stephen Colbert: Knox Commencement Address 2006
Michael Badnarik: Constitution Class Part 4
Richard Dawkins: Lecture at UC Berkeley
Deborah Gordon: How do ants know what to do?
Rob Bryanton: Imagining the Tenth Dimension
David Foster Wallace: Harper's Magazine 150th Anniversary
Benjamin Zander: At PopTech
Gary Vaynerchuk: On Online-Marketing
George Carlin: Kids
R. Buckminster Fuller: Everything I know
Demetri Martin: If I
John F. Kennedy: Inaugural address
George W. Bush: Farewell speech
Joe Biden: Farewell speech
Jon Stewart: Changefest '09 - Obama's Inaugural Speech
Gever Tulley: 5 dangerous things you should let your kids do
Jacqueline Novogratz: Tackling poverty with "patient capital"
Barack Obama: Time for action is now
Bill Gates: How I'm trying to change the world now
Ken Robinson: A New View of Human Capacity
Gwen Ifill: About the Vice Presidential Debate
G. Jayam: They just don't understand
Elizabeth Gilbert: A different way to think about creative genius
Curved-Vision: One Way of dealing with nerves
Robin Williams: Improv at TED2008's BBC debate
Alexei Kapterev: Death By Powerpoint
David Merrill: Siftables, the toy blocks that think
Ken Robinson: What inspires Sir Ken
Barry Schwartz: The real crisis? We stopped being wise
Amy Klobuchar: At The 65th Annual Congressional Dinner
Neil deGrasse Tyson: Doctors
Barack Obama: Speech to joint session of Congress, 2009
Juan Enriquez: Beyond the crisis, mindboggling science and the arrival of Homo evolutis
James Randi: Carl Sagan
Louis CK: Children and their secrets
Christopher Hitchens: Religious vs. empirical knowledge
Maya Angelou: Eulogy for Correta King
Stephen Fry: On Twitter
Talks Pattie Maes & Pranav Mistry: Unveiling the "Sixth Sense," game-changing wearable tech
Laura Ling & Al Gore: Speech after landing on U.S. soil
Ed Ulbrich: How Benjamin Button got his face
Barack Obama: At The Economic Stimulus Conference
Sean Connery: AFI Life Achievement Award
Lawrence Lessig: Remix (at the New york Public Library)
Jim Rohn: Two nice people
Jon Stewart: Commencement Address at The College of William & Mary
Barack Obama: Message to the Iranian People
Bill Clinton: Knox Commencement Address 2007
Seth Godin: The seed, the pit and the cherry
Tim Brown: The powerful link between creativity and play
Michael Pritchard: Turning filthy water drinkable
Jean Shepherd: Coming Face to Face with "The Next Big Thing"
John Hodgman: A brief digression on matters of lost time
Dan Dennett: Cute, sexy, sweet and funny -- an evolutionary riddle
Bill Cosby: Address at the NAACP
Michelle Obama: Supporting military families
Dave Chapelle: Terrorists
Mike Gronstal: Response to Paul McKinley
"QualiaSoup": It *could* just be coincidence
Contact (No title)
Unknown: NTU lecturer Feedback
Stephen Petranek: 10 ways the world could end
Mary Roach: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex
Barack Obama: State of the Economy
Shai Agassi: A bold plan for mass adoption of electric cars
Dan Ariely: Why we think it's OK to cheat and steal (sometimes)
Christopher Hitchens: Free Speech and Freedom of Expression
Barack Obama: Summit Of The Americas
Joss Whedon: Equality Now speech
Unknown: Funny physics lecture
Leading To War (No title)
Bonnie Bassler: Discovering bacteria's amazing communication system
Barack Obama: Message for the Credit Card Companies
Ron Paul: On the recent swine flu scare
Phil Plait: Astronomy questions from kids, Part 5
Julia Roberts: Tom Hanks tribute
Craig Ferguson: Why everything sucks
Paul Saffo: The Secret to Effective Forecasting
John Cleese: SDP/Liberal Alliance political broadcast
Derek Jeter: Farewell to Yankee Stadium
Sarah Jones: One woman, eight hilarious characters
Dan Dennett: A Darwinian Perspective on Religions: Past, Present and Future
Stephen Fry: About Copyright
Stephen K Amos: Live at the Apollo
Hans Rosling: On HIV - New facts and stunning data visuals
Gordon Sinclair: The Americans
George Lakoff: Moral Politics - How Liberals and Conservatives think
QualiaSoup: Evolution
Taylor Mali: The The Impotence of Proofreading
John Hodgman: At the Radio & TV Correspondents’ Dinner
Neil deGrasse Tyson: Beyond Belief 2006
Dan Ariely: Are we in control of our own decisions?
Barack Obama: North Korea's nuclear weapons test
David Holmes: Now GAAP is fun
Dr. Thomas Szasz: ADHD is not a disease
Barack Obama: Naval Academy Commencement
Jay Walker: On the world's English mania
Neil DeGrasse Tyson: Swami Levitation
Barack Obama: A New Beginning
Barack Obama: At Buchenwald
Michelle Obama: Plea for Education
Jimmy Carr: Handles a Heckler
Ronald Reagan: 1964 Republican National Convention
Felix Dennis: Ode to vice and consequences
Clay Shirky: At Web 2.0 Expo
Barack Obama: Writing an excuse note
Dave Allen: Introduction to Christianity
Paul Romer: A Theory of History, with an Application
Clay Shirky: How Twitter can make history
Gary Vaynerchuk: Scaling Caring
Barack Obama: 2009 Radio & Television Correspondents’ Dinner
Harlan Ellison: Pay the Writer
Ellen DeGeneres: Commencement address
Rives: On 4 a.m.
Walter Cronkite: From the final episode of "CBS On the Air"
George Thompson: Verbal Judo
Felix Jung: Repetition and Variation
Ellen DeGeneres: Here & Now
Arthur Benjamin: Formula for changing math education
Stella Rimington: Being a spy
Stephen Fry: www &
Robert Kiyosaki: Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Alva Noe: Out of Our Heads - Why You Are Not Your Brain, and Other Lessons from the Biology of Consciousness.
Christopher Hitchens: Axis of Evil
Don LaFontaine: Pledge of Allegiance
Eugene Mirman: LHS Commencement Address
Philip Zimbardo: Genocide to Abu Ghraib - How Good People Turn Evil
Walter Cronkite: Save the bay
Lewis Black: Hunting
Paul Romer: Charter Cities
Howard Dean: On Health Care At NN09
Recommended Sites (No title)
Matt Walker: Secrets of the sleeping brain
John Cleese: The brain
Richard Feynman: About light
Barack Obama: We Know Where These Lies Are Coming From.
Aubrey de Grey: We can avoid aging
Ellen DeGeneres: Oscar® monologue
Hans Rosling: Let my dataset change your mindset
Adam Savage: Colossal Failures
Susan Savage-Rumbaugh: Apes
Stephen Fry: Thoughts about drug prohibition.
Dara O'Briain: Homeopathy & Nutritionists vs Real Science
Barack Obama: Eulogy for Edward Kennedy
Gary Vaynerchuk: The Number Obsession
Elaine Morgan: We evolved from aquatic apes
Ahmed Ahmed & Dean Obeidallah: Arab-American comedians in New York