George Carlin: Seven dirty words

Perhaps the most famous part of George Carlin’s career.

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Johnny Cash: Gettysburg address

Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, delivered 19 November 1863, recited by Johnny Cash.

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Aldous Huxley: The ultimate revolution

This is a speech given by Aldous Huxley on March 20, 1962 at UC Berkeley.

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George Bernard Shaw: Tribute to Albert Einstein

George Bernard Shaw spoke in honor of Albert Einstein at the Savoy Hotel in London, England, 27 October 1930.

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Another part of the speech (audio only) including the beginning of the speech by Einstein in German:

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Mario Savio: Bodies upon the gears

On December 2nd, 1964, Mario Savio gave this speech on the steps of Sproul Hall, University of California, Berkeley at the beginning of the Free Speech Movement.

The following video is only an excerpt of the speech. Full Version and transcript are available at

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